Modify a specific event from the guild
This endpoint requires a POST request!
This endpoint supports the Exclude header
Endpoint Headers:
bot-token - Token of the Bot [String] (Required)
apikey - Your Api Auth Key [String] (Required)
guild-id - ID of the guild to be fetched [Snowflake] (Required)
Endpoint Body Parameters
event - ID of the event to be fetched [Snowflake] (Required)
channel_id - the channel id of the scheduled event. [Snowflake] ()
entity_metadata - the entity metadata of the scheduled event [Object] (**)
name - the name of the scheduled event [String] (Optional)
privacy_level - the privacy level of the scheduled event [Integer] (Optional)
scheduled_start_time - the time to schedule the event [ISO8601 timestamp] (Optional)
scheduled_end_time - the time when the event is scheduled to end [ISO8601 timestamp] (**)
description - the description of the scheduled event [String] (Optional)
entity_type - the entity type of the scheduled event [Integer] (Optional)
status - the status of the scheduled event [Integer] (Optional)
image - the cover image of the scheduled event [Image Data] (Optional)
* Optional for events with 'entity_type': EXTERNAL
** Required for events with'entity_type': EXTERNAL We suggest you read Discord's Documentation on Event Modify
Data API version required. Must replace <version>
with either release or beta.
Possible Responses (Codes)
Last updated