chan-id - ID of the channel to be fetched [Snowflake](Required)
msg-id - ID of the message to be fetched [Snowflake](Required)
apikey - Your Api Auth Key [String](Required)
Endpoint Body Parameters
emoji - ID of the guild to be fetched [Unicode Emoji OR String](Optional)
Default emojis must be sent as unicode
Custom Emojis must be sent as name:id
Data API version required. Must replace <version> with either release or beta.
Bot Designer for Discord
Example usage of /reaction endpoint using BDFD
$httpAddHeader[apikey;<YOUR-API-KEY>]$httpAddHeader[bot-token;<YOUR-BOT-TOKEN>]$httpAddHeader[chan-id;1064098700307218463]$httpAddHeader[msg-id;1064098700847210194]$httpGet[<version>/reaction]$httpResult OR $httpResult[details]
$httpAddHeader[apikey;<YOUR-API-KEY>]$httpAddHeader[bot-token;<YOUR-BOT-TOKEN>]$httpAddHeader[chan-id;1064098700307218463]$httpAddHeader[msg-id;1064098700847210194]$httpPost[<version>/reaction;{emoji: <EMOJI>}]$httpResult OR $httpResult[details]
Example usage of /reaction endpoint using Discord.js