
Retrieves all or a specific emoji reaction(s) from a message

This endpoint will require a POST request when sending the emoji parameter.,

Endpoint Headers:

  • bot-token - Token of the Bot [String] (Required)

  • chan-id - ID of the channel to be fetched [Snowflake] (Required)

  • msg-id - ID of the message to be fetched [Snowflake] (Required)

  • apikey - Your Api Auth Key [String] (Required)

Endpoint Body Parameters

  • emoji - ID of the guild to be fetched [Unicode Emoji OR String] (Optional)

Default emojis must be sent as unicode

Custom Emojis must be sent as name:id


Data API version required. Must replace <version> with either release or beta.

Bot Designer for Discord

Example usage of /reaction endpoint using BDFD


$httpResult OR $httpResult[details]


emoji: <EMOJI>}]

$httpResult OR $httpResult[details]

Example usage of /reaction endpoint using Discord.js

const axios = require('axios');
(async () => {
return await axios.post('https://bdfddata.rickyjs.xyz/<version>/reaction', {emoji: <EMOJI>}{ 
headers: {
'apikey': <YOUR-API-KEY>,
'bot-token': <YOUR-BOT-TOKEN>,
'guild-id': '1064098700307218463',
'chan-id': '1064098700307218463',
'msg-id': '1064098700847210194'

Possible Responses (Codes)

Code 200 (All Emojis)

API succeeded and details were fetched.

(Retrieves emoji info of the reactions on the message)

 status: 200,
  details: [
      emoji: { id: '871452210012250182', name: 'lmao' },
      count: 1,
      count_details: { burst: 0, normal: 1 },
      burst_colors: [],
      me_burst: false,
      me: false
Code 200 (Specific Emoji)

API succeeded and details were fetched.

(Retrieves user-info of users who reacted with the specified emoji)

 status: 200,
  details: [
      id: '672215920558604332',
      username: 'Rickყ',
      global_name: null,
      display_name: null,
      avatar: '99585a23004b9e5592b3842e24636ae3',
      avatar_decoration: null,
      discriminator: '2006',
      public_flags: 4194560
Code 400

An error occurred that stopped execution.

    status: 400
    error: 'Cannot read ...  (This can vary)'
Code 401

Invalid bot token was provided.

  status: 401,
  details: { message: '401: Unauthorized', code: 0 }

Last updated