Bot Designer for Discord
Example usage of /guild/stickers
endpoint using BDFD
$httpAddHeader[sticker;1064098700307218463] $c[Optional Header]
$httpResult OR $httpResult[details]
Example usage of /guild/stickers
endpoint using Discord.js
const axios = require('axios');
(async () => {
return await axios.get('<version>/guild/stickers', {
headers: {
'apikey': <YOUR-API-KEY>,
'bot-token': <YOUR-BOT-TOKEN>,
'guild-id': '1064098700307218463',
'sticker': '1064098700307218463' //Optiona Header
Possible Responses (Codes)
Code 200
API succeeded and details were fetched.
status: 200,
details: [
id: '1027829706160078879',
name: 'fcbc',
tags: '100',
type: 'Guild',
> 'Read on `Sticker Objects` :'
Code 400
An error occurred that stopped execution.
status: 400
error: 'Cannot read ... (This can vary)'
Code 401
Invalid bot token was provided.
status: 401,
details: { message: '401: Unauthorized', code: 0 }
Code 404
Guild was not found via DAPI
status: 404,
details: { message: 'Unknown Guild', code: 10004 } (this can vary)